Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Gratitude and Celebration

The path to wealth and success is not straight. We pass by curves, sharp turns, mountains, ravines and plateaus. Uncertainties surround us. Often we are tempted to either grumble or complain especially when things don’t work out the way we want them to. Whenever you feel like complaining, remember “there is no such thing as a rich complainer.” Instead, practice the art of gratitude by mentally or verbally enumerating people, things and events you are thankful for. Before you know it the complaint disappears and you are back on track, empowered. We can practice gratitude by acknowledging at least five of our successes or blessings everyday. It doesn’t matter how big or small you think it is, it still is a blessing and worth celebrating. It can be finding an empty parking space, receiving a phone call from a friend, getting up early or simply waking up. After all, nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it.

Remember: what you focus on expands. Unconsciously we choose to become magnets everyday. Complain and you become a crap magnet or be grateful and attract blessings. You choose.

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