Wednesday, March 4, 2009

If your Bus Isn’t Moving, Walk.

You rode a bus and are excited to get home. You smile as you imagine lying in your comfortable bed and that luxurious bath you can finally take after a tiring day. Then the bus suddenly stops. You look out the window and see several vehicles side by side. You sigh and pray that the bus would move soon. Five minutes passed by then ten… still the bus won’t move. You turn to the driver and ask what’s happening. “Traffic” is the only response you got. Fifteen minutes turn to thirty… and that comfortable sleep and luxurious bath you were looking forward to fade away as you slowly doze off inside the bus.

I’ve seen this scenario a thousand times. Sadly, this doesn’t just happen on the road but with life. The bus is your job. You’re excited to get that job because you think it will give you the money you need to provide for your needs and give you a comfortable life. As time goes by, you realize you’re stuck. You know you’re getting nowhere but you choose to stay and hope that someday things will become better. I’ve seen smart and talented people waste their life working for a boss they don’t even like for a paycheck that won’t even give them a decent living. By doing so, they lose their most precious asset: time. But why do they stay? They stay because of fear. Fear of the unknown because they are used to the cycle of employment, any change may be risky. We were made to believe that having a job is our only choice. You may think that at least if you’re employed, you get benefits and insurance. That will all go away if you get fired or you’re company closes down. So what are you going to do to prevent that from happening? Here’s a suggestion: WALK.

Walking means to use whatever you have to move you forward. God gave man an amazing mind and unique skills. Learn to use these gifts. Instead of just staying in your job and fearing the possibility of being fired due to the economic crunch, do something about it. Grow yourself and develop how your mind works. If you do, you will realize that there are sideways and roads where the bus will never take you. Educate yourself. There are actually plenty of ways to get to your dreams. There are opportunities everywhere. You just need to train yourself. Use your two feet and start walking to see it. Your job alone will not give you the time and the finances you want. The possibilities are endless and you’ll find out that depending on your job is the most dangerous decision you have made. The time to act is NOW.

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