Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This is it.

"This is the first and last day of your life."
I can still hear it days after we arrived from Genting. I always wanted to play full out but wanting is different from doing. I always had this love-hate relationship with time. There are days when I can say I did everything I could and there were also days when I didn't do anything at all.
"This is the first and last day of your life."
A military officer I respect once said that he always takes time to indulge on things that he enjoys because every moment could be his last.
"This is the first and last day of your life."
I always wondered how people with near-death experiences view life afterward. It must be really exhilarating to feel that you were given another chance. New beginning. New perspective.
"This is the first and last day of your life."
For me, this is it. All I have is now. Whatever I do this very moment is the only thing that matters.